With the theme "Looking Back: SAM-UP Evolution Through Generations", the Society of Applied Mathematics of UPLB (SAM-UP) held its first orientation this semester at the second floor of McDonald's Vega, last August 16 at 7 in the evening.

The hosts, Dominique Grace Gocal (from Batch La Force du Nombre) and Emmanuel Genesis Fabro (from Batch Emmanuel Genesis), warmly welcomed the 47 orientees, all of which were freshmen BS Applied Mathematics (BSAM), BS Mathematics (BSM) and BS Mathematics and Science Teaching (BS MST) students. The program started with a prayer led by Amaesie Sumalinog (from Batch La Force du Nombre). Afterwards, Christian Daniell Leal (from Batch Hic Manebimus Optime), the organization's Senior Executive, gave his opening remarks. Christian introduced a response to his statements and the orientees cheerfully replied "Aba syempre!" to his questions and statements. Each participant also introduced their names, respective degree programs, and 'witty' mottos in life, some of which includes mathematical definitions from their Math subjects.

To make the night more exciting, Cericca Jacla (from Batch La Force du Nombre), the organization's Treasurer, held a raffle draw for the participants wherein they got lots of prizes such as gift certificates from goBALD restaurant, hand soaps, and cute stickers. After, Aron Kim Asprec (from Batch La Force du Nombre) and Crystal Jean Natividad (from Batch Super Stellae et Lumen) became game masters for a very fun game of charades.
While the dinner was being served, Ma. Jemimah May Midel (from Batch La Force du Nombre), the organization's Executive Secretary, discussed the activities and events of the organization. After that, Emmanuel Genesis Fabro and Gilbert Tauro (from Batch La Force du Nombre) made the night more wonderful by serenading the crowd with Rivermaya's Balisong.

To show the orientees a glimpse of how the organization helped its members with their current career, #TatakSAMUP story videos from the organization's alumni were shown to them. Mr. Adrian Llamado (from Batch Unvollkommen Diamanten), Ms. Mikko Cajurao (from Batch Ubuntu), Mr. BJ Edward Taduran (from Batch Quod Erat Demonstradum), and Mr. Adrian Cailao shared their experiences and stories on how SAM-UP helped them become successful. Moreover, Sir Christian Alvin Buhat (from Batch Petere Excellentiae) and Sir Edd Francis Felix (from Batch Unus Fatum) gave their testimonies and #TatakSAMUP stories where they shared what the organization taught them. Sir Jomar Rabajante (from Batch Quod Erat Demonstradum) also shared his #TatakSAMUP story and talked about the career and path that orientees may take up in the future. A resident member of the organization, Mackie Valenzuela (from Batch Vos Eques Auratus), also gave a testimony of his experiences in the organization.
The program was concluded by giving souvenirs and a word from the Sergeant-at-Arms, Crystal Perez (from Batch Hic Manebimus Optime) and the event head, Jan Christian Sigua (from Batch La Force du Nombre).
The goal of SAM-UP's orientation was to show the orientees the organization's 34 years of unwavering service by promoting the relevance of Applied Mathematics and its related fields with its quality events and activities inside and outside the university and also to show generations of success stories from the organization's members.